(For English, please see below)
U okviru projekta „Povratak zajednici – ReComm“, kojeg finansira Evropska koalicija gradova protiv rasizma (ECCAR), projektni koordinator Armin Kržalić održao je sastanak s članovima radne grupe Uprave policije Ministarstva unutrašnjih poslova Zeničko-dobojskog kantona (MUP ZDK), koja je osnovana s ciljem realizacije projektnog događaja „Dan prijateljstva“.
Događajem je predviđeno druženje učenika osnovne škole iz Mjesne zajednice Bočinja, Općina Maglaj, te policijskih službenika MUP-a ZDK kroz organizaciju pokaznih policijskih vježbi. Cilj je dodatno osnažiti rad policije u zajednici, a u drugom dijelu događaja planirano je održavanje predavanja o prepoznavanju ranih znakova radikalizacije osoba za mještane navedene mjesne zajednice.
Na održanom sastanku s radnom grupom Uprave policije, dogovoreno je da se sačini konkretni program i plan događaja „Dan prijateljstva“, da se iskordiniraju svih članovi radne grupe od loklanog do kantonalnog nivoa i da se navedeni događaj održi u zadnjoj sedmici mjeseca oktobra, ukoliko epidemiološka situacija to bude dozvoljavala.
ReComm: Meeting with the working group for the implementation of the project activity “Friendship Day” held
Within the project “Return to the Community – ReComm”, funded by the European Coalition of Cities against Racism (ECCAR), project coordinator Armin Kržalić held a meeting with members of the working group of the Police Directorate of the Ministry of Interior of Zenica-Doboj Canton (MoI ZDC), established with the aim of realizing the project event “Friendship Day”.
The event envisages socializing of primary school pupils from the Local Community of Bočinja, Municipality of Maglaj, and police officers of the MoI ZDC through the organization of demonstration police exercises. The objective is to further strengthen the work of the police in the community, and in the second part of the event it is planned to hold a lecture on recognizing the early signs of radicalization of persons for the residents of the local community.
At the meeting with the working group of the Police Directorate, it was agreed to make a specific program and plan of the event “Friendship Day”, to coordinate all members of the working group from local to cantonal level and to hold the event in the last week of October, if the epidemiological situation will allow it.