(For English, please see below)
U četvrtak, 07.11.2019. godine, održana je fokus grupa u Maglaju, a u okviru projekta „DeFRET – Definisanje faktora i procesa koji vode do radikalizacije, ekstremizma i terorizma u Bosni i Hercegovini“.
Fokus grupa je okupila predstavnike općinske uprave, mjesnih zajednica, mladih, Centra za socijalni rad Maglaj te Ministarstva unutrašnjih poslova Zeničko-dobojskog kantona. U ugodnoj radnoj atmosferi, učesnici su govorili o stanju sigurnosti na području Općine Maglaj, konceptima radikalizma, ekstremizma i terorizma te mogućnostima i dosadašnjim dobrim iskustvima lokalne zajednice u prevenciji tih negativnih pojava. Ujedno, učesnici fokus grupe dali su svoj osvrt na pojavu odlazaka bh. građana na strana ratišta te na spremnost i mogućnosti lokalne zajednice za reintegraciju takvih osoba nakon povratka.
Udruženje Nova sigurnosna inicijativa se zahvaljuje Općini Maglaj na pomoći u organizaciji ove fokus grupe.
On Thursday, 07.11.2019, a focus group was held in Maglaj, within the project “DeFRET – Defining Factors and Processes that Lead to Radicalization, Extremism and Terrorism in Bosnia and Herzegovina“.
The focus group brought together representatives of the municipal administration, local communities, youth, the Maglaj Center for Social Work and the Ministry of the Interior of the Zenica-Doboj Canton. In a pleasant working atmosphere, the participants spoke about the state of security in the area of Maglaj Municipality, the concepts of radicalism, extremism and terrorism, as well as the opportunities and previous good experiences of the local community in preventing these negative phenomena. In addition, focus group participants spoke about the departures of BiH citizens on foreign battlefields and the readiness and capacities of the local community to reintegrate such persons upon their return.
The Association New Security Initiative thanks the Municipality of Maglaj for their assistance in organizing this focus group.